Скрипторий: Archetype - wrestler (player core 2)
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НЕТ ПЕРЕВОДАArchetype - wrestler (player core 2)
Source Player Core 2
Wrestlers are athletes who pit their strength and skill against powerful foes. Specializing in a variety of grabs, holds, and strikes, wrestlers are dangerous opponents whose techniques can leave a foe broken and defeated without taking their life. Though it appears brutal, wrestling is considered a respectable and innocuous art.
The wrestling tradition is common all over Golarion. Gladiators and other warriors who fight for entertainment use wrestling techniques in combat. The disciplinefs focus on grappling is also useful in non.gladiatorial matches, as many foes are unable to contend with an opponentfs hold. Grappling is particularly effective against spellcasters, who have a difficult time completing the gestures for their spells while grabbed. However, with the right technique, a seasoned wrestler can hold down just about any foe standing in their way. Such wrestlers are feared by their foes and respected by their allies.
Wrestlers have storied traditions in the Hold of Belkzen, where orcs employ specialized grappling techniques to subdue the large animals they ride as mounts. Orcs prefer wrestling these creatures partially to minimize harm to them, but also because they believe that the process of subduing them in this manner creates a stronger bond between mount and rider.
Outside of the Inner Sea, wrestlers are common in Iblydos and Arcadia. Iblydan wrestlers focus on powerful grappling techniques to make sure theyfre never left without a means to fight on the battlefield, even if their weapons are destroyed. Arcadian wrestlers engage in matches designed to retell stories of ancient gods and their past battles. These matches prominently feature impressive acrobatic feats as well as highly technical grappling maneuvers.
Wrestlers are athletes who pit their strength and skill against powerful foes. Specializing in a variety of grabs, holds, and strikes, wrestlers are dangerous opponents whose techniques can leave a foe broken and defeated without taking their life. Though it appears brutal, wrestling is considered a respectable and innocuous art.
The wrestling tradition is common all over Golarion. Gladiators and other warriors who fight for entertainment use wrestling techniques in combat. The disciplinefs focus on grappling is also useful in non.gladiatorial matches, as many foes are unable to contend with an opponentfs hold. Grappling is particularly effective against spellcasters, who have a difficult time completing the gestures for their spells while grabbed. However, with the right technique, a seasoned wrestler can hold down just about any foe standing in their way. Such wrestlers are feared by their foes and respected by their allies.
Wrestlers have storied traditions in the Hold of Belkzen, where orcs employ specialized grappling techniques to subdue the large animals they ride as mounts. Orcs prefer wrestling these creatures partially to minimize harm to them, but also because they believe that the process of subduing them in this manner creates a stronger bond between mount and rider.
Outside of the Inner Sea, wrestlers are common in Iblydos and Arcadia. Iblydan wrestlers focus on powerful grappling techniques to make sure theyfre never left without a means to fight on the battlefield, even if their weapons are destroyed. Arcadian wrestlers engage in matches designed to retell stories of ancient gods and their past battles. These matches prominently feature impressive acrobatic feats as well as highly technical grappling maneuvers.